I just discovered your site and I am impressed with
the enormous work you have done.
Jason Alpers
Head Systems Administrator
Department of Physics
San Jose State University
just wanted to say thanks dude i got a physical
chem lab due and no one knew how to convert joules
to calories so bein' of the internet age and
foregoing the library i did an internet search
your site was perfect!!
Catherine Anadu
University of Oklahoma
Just a quick email to say what a good web site you have. The tables of
measurement units must have taken a good while to compile!
Dr. Paul Steward., Phd
Hey! I find your conversion site to be extremely helpful. I do a lot of
calculating in my position as a dispersion modeling supervisor at Ohio EPA.
Tom Tucker
Dispersion Modelling Supervisor
Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Ohio, USA
Very good conversion page, however I would like to understand better why...
If a US Gallon has 128 fl oz and a UK gallon has 160 fl oz this does not
correspond to their conversion factors to litres, where US is 3.785 l = 1
gal and UK is 4.546 l = 1 gal so the quotient is 4.546/3.785 = 1.2010568 and
160/128 = 1.25??
There appears to be a 20% difference in actual volume and a 25% in fl ozs.
Is this due to minims or what?
Thanks for your help
John Henry Looney
Millennium Science & Engineering Ltd
Arle Court
Hatherley Lane
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire
GL51 6PN U.K.
[Answer supplied (US and UK gallons are different sizes, have the same number
of pints but different numbers of fluid ounces per pint all which make the fluid ounces different sizes also.). Ed:]
I absolutely adored your website!
S. Welsh M.A (Oxon)
Terrific unit conversion calcualtor! I'm sending a link to your page to all my coworkers.
Scott Thompson
Thanks for providing a quick reference for converting figures. I sell
recognition and promotional products in Ohio. I need to be able to
convert thicknesses of plastic bags to let my customers know the
difference between gauge and mil. And I need to figure shipping carton
sizes based upon mil thickness of magnets.
Once again thanks,
Gary Stephenson
I just wanted to say that I found the Foot Rule the best unit conversion
site I have visited. Very nice work, the thumbwheel is a neat touch.
Steve Sheldon
I have used you conversion program on several occasions and find it
easier to use than other conversion programs that I currently own.
Is the program available for purchase?
Stephen A. Seeber
I am a Ph.D student in Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. I do have the
web page bookmarked. I use it for fast conversions when dealing with
companies over the phone regarding new products I need for my project.
(Douglas Alexander Scott)
You did a nice job with this table.
Thank you
Gurpartap 'GP' S. Sandhoo, D.Sc
Senior Professional Staff
Guidance, Navigation & Targeting Systems Group
Power Projection Systems Department
Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
I have just used your site for the first time and emailed a couple of
questions. At first I assumed it was a university site or public service site.
WOW, you provide a terrific and wonderful service.
Thank you for this exceptional site.
Best Wishes,
Gary S. Norton
Physics Teacher/Consultant
Palanquin Inc.
I am an Engineer with the Department of Transportation in Washington
state USA. Thank you for a nice web site. I have just located it and plan to use it. It saves me time.
Ken Norris
Hello All,
I've reviewed hundreds of unit conversion sites out there, and yours is by
far the most impressive.
I (more accurately, the small start up I work for) need a database of
conversion factors for virtually every unit in the world. Yours appears to
come very close to this requirement. Do you ever license or sell your
conversion information in a format which I might be able to easily import
into my database?
If not, can you point me toward a reference which might contain a list of
conversion factors as extensive as yours?
Thanks a Lot!
Kevin Monagle
Demandex, Inc.
Greeting from New York City,
I'm writing to comment on your site, JavaScript Unit Conversion Calculator .
I think it's absolutely the most interesting, educational, thorough, fascinating thing I've ran
into while on the Internet. Frankly, I was so fascinated by it, I started playing with the
conversion table of mass to see just how thorough and accurate the information was and as you
can imagine, I was entirely dumbfounded. I am from the US and as you know, we don't use the
metric system which is unfortunate but it's the way this country is. Anyhow, I can't tell
you how helpful your site was in helping me make the conversions within various metric units
I wasn't taught in this country. I truly appreciate it, and trust me, I'm telling everyone
who's metric-ignorant (as most US Americans are) about this site!
Keep up the wonderful job!
Margarita Muñoz
You really have a good web site that really helped my homework. But do you
have a table unit of temperature. I really need it and its my only thing left that
I dont have.
Thanks for your kind consideration.
from Erik Legaspi
[FootRule.com includes a fully functional temperature converter and will convert
between Kelvin, Centigrade, Fahrenheit, Reumer and Rankin scales. Ed:]
I just wanted to say thank you for all of your work in putting this site together.
Myself and several of my classmates have used it in completing a tedious engineering
class assignment. Many thanks from the University of Arkansas Mechanical Engineering
Stewart A. Miller
I'm an Italian translator who is currently translating a technical
glossary from English into Italian. I came across your web page and was
very impressed by the clever way it is organized.
Geraldina Marcelli
Thanks for your prompt response, I appreciate your efforts. Your web site
is wonderful, very useful!!!! I've forwarded it to most of my coworkers.
Joe Lucido
Applied Aerodynamics, Inc.
Dallas, Texas USA
Great conversion program. Thanks for the support.
Bart Landes
Thanks for this very useful unit conversion resource on the Web.
Myles Lamson
Thank you,
Your pages - weights and measurements are very useful.
John Kucera, M.Sc.
Kiwi-Moravia International Ltd. (NZ)
Excellent site by the way!
Regards, Mike Buxton.
(UK Weights & Measures Inspector.)
Trading Standards
This site appeared to have the most comprehensive
list of conversions available which is why I have it
bookmarked. I need to convert units very frequently.
It takes much less time to call up a bookmark and find
the conversion that I need than to search down a CRC
Handbook and page through the conversion tables.
Allen Bell
Intel Corp.
New Mexico
Just want to thank you for a great unit converter.
Your site has been invaluable to keep me from
getting lost in a jungle of units while spending
a year away from Sweden at a US university, which
certainly has not gone metric yet.
Again, thank you!
Anna Bjorklund, M.Sc, Lic.Eng.
University of Michigan
Concerning the Unit Conversion Calculator. Really
great and useful..
It's a cool thing this... I have a lot of use for
it when reading Technical Documentation"
Nicklas Börjesson
"Thank you. It is a very helpful tool.
Dave Carden"
I found your website very useful for conversions...
Ken Caswell
I am a fellow developer in San Antonio, Texas.
Your JS calculator is extremely good and very useful.
Jerry Cooley
Thanks for a great conversion web page."
Greg Goldsworthy
Visualux Ltd.
Superb! Thank you!
Scott Eldridge
I'm a construction Superintendent and tired to carry
a pile of reference books on conversion tables for
pipes and structural. properties. do you have such
information software available. If so. please send me
as much information as possible. Include prices.
Jesse Esparza
I am the webmaster for facilites engineering at
toyota motor manufacturing north america.
presently we are look for a energy conversion
page for our website. your page fits our need
exactly. is it possible to use your code for our
conversions page?
thanks much
dante' d. fillyau
senior mechanical engineering
florida a&m university
Great information - could have used it when I took
Chem but will pass web site to my daughter who wants
to be Chemist.
Hannigan, Janice B
Just called to say thank for the service I used it
and plan to use it often.
Ashish Jain
Dear Sirs,
I'm really interested in your pages which are about
I wonder if you have Japanese Version of your pages.
If you have some, please let me know.
Yours sincerely,
Keisuke Gotoh.
"First of all, I'd like to say that I enjoy this
website and use the calculator frequently.
David L. Graff"
We are a manufacturer of microscopy precision
measuring devices. As a
service to vistors to our website (www.boeckeler.com),
we are wondering if we could link them from our very
simple conversion table to the site below for far more
thorough conversions. Would this be all right? This
is the page we'd like to link to.
I found your conversion calculators the most useful
of the many I've browsed today. Please let me know
if this is permissable.
Sincere regards,
Jonelle Y. C. Kearney
Communications Manager, Technical Writer
Boeckeler Instruments, Inc.
I was just trying out your conversion calculator,
which is quite nice by the way.
I found something I don't understand. I think there
may be an error. I was able to produce the following
conversions under mass conversion:
1 Pound (Av) = 1 Pound (Troy)
1 Kilogramme = 2.679 Pounds (Troy)
1 Kilogramme = 2.205 Pounds (Av)
Is there an error?
David L. Rigby, Phd.
Dynacs Engineering Co.
NASA Lewis Research Center
[There was, the unit which appeared to be the
Pound (Av) was actually the Pound(Ap) with an
incorrect description. Correcting the single
character of the description from a 'v' to a 'p'
corrected the problem. Ed.]
The site is very good.. this is the one I use to do conversions... but I
didn't find temperature conversions (kelvin, celsius, the obsolete farenheit
and rankin). It would be nice...
Mauricio Peschard
Project Leader Sr.
[Temperature is now included Ed.]
Thank you for your calculator, it has saved me a lot of time.
David Nichamoff
great to see the useful unit conversion pages on the
Dr. Bernhard Jakoby
Delft University of Technology
Electronic Instrumentation Lab.
From The Scout Report for Science & Engineering,
Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2000.
November 22, 2000
The Foot Rule : Unit Conversions
"FootRule.com is a continuously expanding collection of converters,
units and measures, data tables and facilities for the student or
teacher, scientific or engineering worker, parent and child. The
converters provide not only information such as how many miles in a
light year, the difference between US fluid and dry gallons, the
differences between both these and the UK gallon, but also gives
the invaluable background on units, their origin and definitions."
The site is divided into subcategories organized by topic and by
type of interface. Users can access information via either a
thumbwheel control or a table. The abundant topics available
include kinematic viscosity, acceleration, time, flow, and
luminance, among others. An easy-to-use form allows visitors to
enter desired conversions and choose scientific notation. The site
also features tables of physical constants, the periodic table, and
imperial capacities for the US and Britain. A nice help page (How
to use them), recommendations for browser settings, and a
suggestion form are part of The Foot Rule's user-friendly content.
This is an excellent resource for students and teachers in all
disciplines of science.
Your conversions tables have been extremely helpful
to me. I travel all over the world and work with
weights, volumes and lengths. I know I can always
get the information I need by coming to your site.....
thank you
R & D John
I am in the import/Export business and find this calculator most effective
for converting imperial weights and measures to metric as well as
calculating weights & measures for products which have to be placed into
ocean containers.
Great program!
John H. Mostert
Shipping Manager
Parker Hannifin (Africa) Pty Ltd